Get Involved

Be a Part of the Change in Ethiopia

CEDA’s success hinges on the dedication and passion of our supporters. There are multiple ways you can get involved and contribute to empowering Ethiopian entrepreneurs:
Become a Volunteer:
    • Share Your Expertise: Are you a business professional, marketing whiz, or financial guru? Volunteer your skills to mentor aspiring entrepreneurs and guide them on their path to success.
    • Fundraising Champion: Do you have a knack for rallying people for a cause? Help us organize fundraising events or spread awareness about CEDA’s mission through social media campaigns.
    • Administrative Support: Lend a helping hand with administrative tasks, allowing our core team to focus on program development and implementation.
Make a Donation:
Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference. Your donation can help us:
    • Provide essential training programs for aspiring entrepreneurs.
    • Offer micro-loans to help businesses get off the ground.
    • Connect entrepreneurs with experienced mentors.
Donate Now and directly fuel the entrepreneurial spirit in Ethiopia! Other Ways to Get Involved:
    • Spread the Word: Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about CEDA’s mission. Share our website and social media pages to raise awareness.
    • Organize Events: Host a community event or fundraiser to support CEDA’s work.
    • Corporate Partnerships: Looking for a meaningful cause for your company to support? Partner with CEDA and engage your employees in making a positive impact.
By joining forces, we can create a powerful network of support for Ethiopian entrepreneurs. Together, let’s unlock their potential and build a brighter future for Ethiopia!
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